Baby Names and Meanings Free

by Graphiq



Pick the perfect name for your baby girl or baby boy! Discover classic names and trendy names, unique names and popular names, preppy names and sweet names, names you’ve never heard of and all your old favorites! Is grandma’s name coming back into style? Is your very own name the new rarity? Use over 10 powerful filters to browse by name meaning, name origin, popularity, and more! Find information on over 100,000 baby girl and baby boy names, plus 200,000 surnames. At a glance, charts show how name popularity in several countries has changed over time. We include name rank and frequency data for names since the 1800’s. Beautiful heatmaps show name trends across states in the US. Bookmark your favorite names and share them with friends and family via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and more!.★Discover over 100,000 baby boy and girl names★Search name origin from 87 languages and countries★Browse name meanings★Name popularity at a glance★Name trends over time★Explore naming trends by state★Name popularity and ranking data from 18 different countries★Powerful filtering makes discovering new names easy and fun!★Search by first letter or last letter★Filter by number of letters and syllables★Find similar names★Compare boy and girl names to each other★Save your favorite names★Nearly 200,000 surnames as well!
This app is developed and optimized for Android Smartphones , giving you immediate access to our vast database of names on the go!
Baby Names has been designed for the US market. While we collect names with international origins our ranking information is catered to users within the United States.